Saturday, March 31, 2007

DIY Butterfly Feeder

Do not throw away that over ripened banana: Save it for the butterflies! Some species of butterflies use rotten fruit as their nectar source. While they can often find fruit rotting on trees on their own, you can attract butterflies to your yard by providing a butterfly feeder filled with your leftover fruit.

It is easy to make your own feeder. The supplies you will need include: a plastic plant saucer, household twine, and a drill with a small bit.

Drill th
ree small holes equal distance apart at the edge of the saucer.

Tie a 2.5 foot piece of twine through each hole and then tie the other ends together making sure the plant saucer is level at the bottom.

Add your over ripened fruit, hang outside is a shady spot where you will be able to see the butterflies, and wait for the butterflies to arrive!

You can sprinkle a little fruit juice on the fruit slices if they dry out - just keep in mind that it is the mushy, rotting, very over-ripe fruit that these butterflies like best. Replace the fruit if it dries out, becomes moldy, or attracts too many ants.

To find out what kind of butterflies you can attract with a butterfly fruit feeder, see t
his list of butterflies and their nectar sources: Dave's Butterfly Garden