Many Summer Flowers:
(Houstonia purpurea)
Fire Pink (Caryophyllaceae)
Chrysanthemum (not native)


Blue toadflax (
Nuttallanthus canadensis)

Southern sundrops (
Oenothera fruticosa)

Dead Man's Fingers (Xylaria polymorpha)

Bobbitt Swimming Hole

Sophie did not like swimming!

13 year cicadas were out in full force

These are their emergence holes. Saw swarms of them in the canopy tops.
The forest sounded like this:
Here is a neat time lapse video of a 13 year cicada molting taken near the Eno River:
Brood XIX Periodical Cicada 2011 from Mark Dolejs on Vimeo.
Saw many Gulf Fritillary butterflies in the powerline cut: