There is an EagleCam that is located at a Bald Eagle's (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) nest at the Blackwater Refuge. As of today there are two nestlings that are 22 and 20 days old. Young eagles stay at the nest for about 12 weeks!
When you get a chance, head on over to the EagleCam and see what the eaglets and their parents are up to: http://www.friendsofblackwater.org/camhtm2.html
Also at the Blackwater Refuge is an OspreyCam. This camera is focused on an Osprey (Pandion
Watch as they begin to build their nest: http://www.friendsofblackwater.org/camhtm.html
Both websites site have excellent background information on both species as well as past nesting behavior at these nest sites.
Fore more information see the Friends of Blackwater website: